Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Yummy, Yummy!

We had a neighbor, God rest his soul, that used to get our pears. He would make preserves and relish for days on end - then share them with anyone who wanted some. I miss him. He would prepare pears for me any way I wanted them! Oh, to be able to train hubby that good!!
Yesterday, hubby came in and told me the pear trees were loaded. He isn't prone to exaggerate and I don't think he has it in him to lie (unless maybe to save his hide - or to keep me from spending money), but because of this horrendous drought, I didn't really believe him.

So I went and checked myself! Those trees are about to fall over with pears. This photo was made back in the spring. I think every bloom must have made a pear. They are blemish free as well.

Man, the limbs were hanging almost to the ground with fruit!!! So I came back to the house - got two 5-gallon buckets and headed back to the pears!

All afternoon on Sunday, I peeled/cored/halved some/sliced some until my fingers ached! While he watched football, no less! I soon realized I was overzealous with my quantities (who can peel/core/slice 10-gallons of pears??)

I made a few phone calls to folks I thought might want be interested in having some. There were a few 'takers', but most people in this area have their own pear trees and I'm sure their's produced just as well! The remainder went on the compost pile!

Got up this morning and cooked them. Put some in the freezer for pear salads and cobblers during the upcoming holidays and prepared some for yummy,yummy fried pies that I intend to do first thing tomorrow!. I considered making some pear relish but since it's so much trouble, I decided against it.

Tonight I got my dough ready for the pies and have it in the fridge so it'll be ready to go first thing in the morning . ..can't wait! Sure wish you were here to share!!!

I truly can believe this harvest during the worst drought we've had in years!!! So, friends, if you want a tree that gorgeous in the spring, provides fruit in the fall and requires no care, this is the tree for you! By the way, I have Bartletts.

Now if I could just train hubby as well as the neighbor was trained. ..sigh


Kevin said...

Wow, a loaded pear tree sounds good to us! We've been buying lots of them and love em. Your place looks better everyday to us.

Nice post on the pregnant onion. She's looking lovely. Babies and all. If you ever want a no fuss camera, search ebay or amazon for the one listed below: Not a high tech camera but it's what I use and the pictures are great.

Olympus CAMEDIA C 700 Ultra Zoom 2.1 MP

There is an adapter I purchased to use close-up lenses also. Very easy camera to use. I know you have that mega camera, but this one is just easier to use and shoots great pics.

Have a great gardening day Norma! Keep up the great posts!

Norma said...

I got the pies made Monday and they didn't turn out as good as I had anticipated - but certainly good enough for us!

I am dead serious about the pregnant onion, it has brought many entertaining conversations to my back porch and many wonderful memories to my mind!
everybody should have one!

I still have that Olympus camera and remember when I lost the User's Manual and you helped me find on online? Well, I finally found it. I had put it in a drawer bedside my chair where I store material that I want to read . . .I'll check out the one that you're talking about.
I mostly use my Kodak
c310 - which is NOT good for closeups or zooming. The Olympus that I have is just too much trouble to use (no internal memory) and lug around. Candid shots are OUT with it.

Oh, and any day I can garden is a GREAT day!