Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Nothing About Gardening

When I get something that I love, I also love to share it with others. Kevin has captured some beautiful photographs of some wildlife in his yard. I asked for and received permission to share them with you!

He is a fantastic photographer and I'm totally envious of his capabilities! What I'm really envious of is that he can have wildlife like this and a pretty yard as well!

Below is my favorite!  Ellen, Kevin's wife, 'rescued' this gorgeous cat from under their porch. Ellen found the poor thing sick and hungry - and together, they brought him back to health. And of course, gave him a good home!

They make good veterinarian nurses, huh? The cat's name is Cuy!
hmmmmmmmmmmmm.. . .wonder what Cuy will do with that thing (or what that thing will do to him) if he catches it?

Did I mention that Kevin's a fisherman, too? Well, look at this jewel!!! (Kevin - I"ll bet you're surprised that I still have this photo). Notice that since I didn't have 'permission' to post this one, I sorta blotted out your face.

And Ron, BS's hubby, is also a good photographer, but wildlife isn't his forte. Ron mostly shoots old buildings, courthouses and sunrises. But he does a good job on whatever he's shooting. I didn't ask him permission to post these, but I don't think for a minute he'll mind.

They live in the city so there's not a lot of opportunity to shoot wildlife. In his second childhood he's developed a strong passion for hummers . . .here's a couple of shots he got through their patio doors this summer.


Anonymous said...

Ron will be delighted when I show him you have used his hummingbird photos. I loved this post with the photos from Kevin. Love, BS

Norma said...

Kevin and Ellen have been good internet frieds for a long, long time. I met them on a gareening forum, if I'm not mistaken, before Mother died in 2006 . .so you can see how long we've been 'friends'.

It was Ellen that sent you the bottle of Ambush. Remember?

She has a website where she distributes vintage perfumes. He sells things on the web, too, but not perfume. They are in the process of moving their websites and when they get all the bugs worked out, I hope to add a link to their sites on this blog.

You don't think Ron will sue me for posting his photos without permission??? If he tries, I;m counting on you to run interference for me . .lol!

Kevin said...

Did not expect that you still had that salmon picture. That's from the Monterey Bay in California. You can post any pics I send you with no problems.

We loved having the deer and turkey's this year. But now it's close to hunting season so we have stopped feeding them. Broke our hearts yesterday when a doe came into the yard and just stood there looking at Ellen. We were in the office and that's about 20 feet from where she was standing. We wanted to give her some corn but just couldn't do it so she goes and hides somewhere. We're on 27 acres but the deer roam in and out.

The turkey are quite a bit bigger now. But they were feeding on the same corn so they also don't get feed right now. We'll start feeding them again after deer hunting season.

We've had one mother turkey feeding here for a few years now. We were quite surprised this year when she showed up with a brood of 14. Then we had one more mother join them with a brood of three. Luckily we live in a No Turkey Hunting zone so they should be fine. Hoping we get some big Tom's next year for pictures.

Kevin said...

I may have double posted this morning? Wasn't sure if the first one went through?

A little explanation of the name Cuy (coo-ee). Not that it's related, but a Cuy is a guinea pig. Cuy is the Peruvian name for the little critters. Unfortunately, they are a major food source down there. But we loved the name and we love the cat. He showed up under our office porch a few years back. He was about 2 - 3 months old, tiny, and hungry. It only took two days and when Ellen carried him in, he just settled right in. :)

Norma said...

Happy to see you back, Kevin! Did you get the websites moved and all the kinks worked out? I sure hope so.

Thanks for explaining the origin of Cuy's name . .I remember when Ellen found him. She heard him long before she knew where he was and was totally filled with compassion when he was located. You should have named him "Lucky" . .he sure picked the right porch to hide under!

And thanks for identifying the fish as well. As you've probably figured out, I don't know one fish from the other . .I just know that one is HUGE . .and thanks for permission to post any/all of the photos you send me!