Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Love/Hate Relationship

Ever had something in your yard that you sometimes love and sometimes hate? Well,  I deal with that almost year round!!! In my yard are several large hickory trees with which I have the love/hate relationship.

Spring is horrible because they produce tassles that you have to deal with. They're light weight therefore get blown into the gutters, on the porches, on the porch furniture. Just anywhere they happen to fall! I really don't mind dealing with them anywhere except in the gutters! In a two story house, the gutters are not really too easy to get to . . besides I don't like 'walking the roof' to clean these gutters - but I do because if you don't they will pack down and are possible to remove.

But in the summer time, I dearly LOVE them. In normal years they provide enough shade and coolness that the AC is not activated until late June. As you know 2011 was the exception! I think the AC has been going 24/7 since April! !!! And I have established a 'rest' area under them that's really nice when I want to cool off prior to coming inside or just rest a few minutes and admire my work.

Then comes August. The hickory nuts begin to fall!!!! What a mess!!! Not only is it a mess, you have to be careful walking or you'll turn an ankle pretty quickly! Not only that, the squirrels sit in the trees and break the shells and dump the leavings to the ground. This lasts sometimes through October. But even during August through October they're still providing that wonderful shade - so you can't get too disgusted with them!

Better not walk out there barefoot (as I LOVE to do) when the squirrels are feasting or your feet will be cut to pieces. What nuts the squirrels don't eat we have to rake into piles - get the wheelbarrow and seed shovel - pick them up then deliver them to the woods. I think the squirrels just think we're providing a foodbar for them! But the hickory trees do provide some usefulness other than shade in the summer.

In October they provide this brilliant golden yellow color throughout the yard!

Then the leaves fall  . .. and it's mulch, mulch, mulch! (As I type this, I'm beginning to wonder why in the world I even want a yard!). I use a vacuum/mulcher to gather and store the leaves which converts into some fine, fine compost by spring of the next year.

In the winter they let the warmth of the sun plus plenty of light into the house.

Plus, my oldest son loves to grill - to watch him 'work' you'd think he was an artist preparing a painting for the one he loves most! He loves to put the nuts in with the charcoal to give his meat the real hickory flavor.

He resides on the Gulf and is home for the weekend.
One reason he's home is to get out of all that rain on the Gulf right now but the main reason is to meet his new grandson, Waylon, who was born last month.

He's grilling ribs for the family as I type . . .can't wait until he says "Let's Eat!"  But when he's grilling, patience is the operative word. He's like the Hanes underwear inspector. It isn't Ready until HE says it's ready . .(settle down tummy) . . .his significant other is making us some corn grits (which I've never had - but looks and smells great ) and a gorgeous salad . . .oh, have I died and gone to Heaven???? Life is Great! It's just a shame that I can't stay this happy 24/7!!!!

Now how did I go from hickory trees to family and food??? Does it really matter?


Kevin said...

Gorgeous Hickory trees! You can put a box of hickory nuts aside for us. I think your sons idea of using them for Hickory smoke is brilliant. Sounds like a plan to me. I think I would rather have Hickory trees than the huge Black Walnut trees we have.

Of course our yard doesn't look like a well maintained city park, as yours does.

Very cute picture of Waylon and Mom. Wish we were there for the ribs and grits!

We have very serious flooding here right now. Our house is fine, little water in the basement, but that's about it. However Hershey flooded out very bad. Hundreds of road closures. We're only 2 miles from Hershey. They say the worst since a Hurricane in 1975. Will be shutting down the computer now as the storms move in again. Supposed to last until Sunday. :(

Norma said...

Thanks for your comments on the yard (it doesn't look much like a city park right now - but we're working on it)!

Yep, David is very resourseful when it comes neat tricks to make food taste/smell good.

When I bit into the ribs I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. The corn grits weren't bad either! He uses some type of rub that he's concocted that's delicious! He's gonna give me the recipe for it he says.

Ouch!!! Two miles isn't much of a distance when you're talking floods!!!

Sure hope Lee moves on off shore soon. .he's done enough damage and I pray yours remains in the basement and doesn't get any higher!!

I'll pick up some hickory nuts for you = but I'll wait until this storm has passed and you get your websites moved to send them to you. I read a neat trick on the internet as to the easiest way to break them to loosen the meat. .that way I won't have to send the entire nut.