Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Books I'm Currently Reading

I've found during my life that most gardeners also love reading. But not all readers love gardening. Thankfully, I am blessed with both interests. Each are very fulfilling exercises for me! Gardening exercises my body and reading exercises my mind! That's enough exercising for anyone, huh?

Maintaining this page is an experiment with my ultimate goal of keeping a list of books I'm reading along with my thoughts when I'm finished. After about a week on this page, I want to transfer them to another page entitled "Books I've Read."

My reading interests lie in several genres beginning with the one I never tire of and will never learn thoroughly; The Holy Bible. Other genres run from politics, economics, personal growth, any type of sewing, and last, but certainly not least, gardening. Books that glorify violence, gore, and perverted sex are not in my genre - even though I do like a good 'whodunit'.

As a rule, I keep at least three books going simultaneously, right now there is four. A non-fiction that requires thought and concentration, a personal growth (health, religion, etc) book, and a novel that lulls me to sleep.
Currently I'm reading:
  • The Coming Economic Armageddon by Dr. David Jeremiah.
  •  Epicenter - 2.0 Version by Joel Rosenbury
  • Found by Karen Kingsbury
  • This Rock by Robert Morgan
The Coming Economic Armageddon. subtitled 'What Bible Prophecy Warns about the New Global Economy' is currently occupying most of my available reading time. In the first chapter he's talking about one world government and how many cultures have tried it; beginning at the Tower of Babel, and going through today's efforts to unite the world into 'The United States of the World'. He's explaining why man will never accomplish a calm, workable one world government, but God will when He sends Christ back to establish and reign over His perfect government.
 So far, he hasn't really told me much I didn't already know; however, it gives me confidence in the little voice that speaks articulately and succinctly in my heart to hear someone of Dr. Jeremiah's education level and biblical knowledge confirm beliefs I have held for years.
 Another reason I"m enjoying it is because it's like having a conversation with my earthly father - and he's been in his heavenly home for 33 years!!! Many of the things Dr. Jeremiah refers to in this book reminds me of conversations I had with my father decades ago. My father may have never had the opportunity for the education and studies that Dr. Jeremiah has had, but I can assure you the same spirit dwelt within him and his discernment of the Bible was unmatched. I am honored and blessed to have been sired, raised, and taught by a man of his stature.

 Epicenter is pretty much an updated version of Tim LaHaye's Left Behind Series from what I can tell at this point. I haven't read much in it yet, but I'm eager to get back to it.

 Found is Book Three of Five of Ms. Kingsbury's Firstborn Series. A really good friend put me on to Ms. Kingsbury and I have read and enjoyed her Redemption Series. The Redemption Series begins at the attack of the World Trade Center and follows the Baxter family's trials, tribulations, and triumphs. After about two books, you begin to feel like a member of the family.
 Ms, Kingsbury's are the novels I use to clear my mind of the daily stress and troubles.
  If you decide to read about the Baxter family, please begin with Book One (Redemption) of the Redemption Series.

 This Rock demands my attention. I've only read ONE paragraph in it . .but that one paragraph won't leave my brain and I'm soooooooooo eager to get back to it! It was recommended and mailed to me by my dear sister, Patsy. Anytime she recommends a book, I do find time to indulge .. .so far, she hasn't led me down the wrong path!