Careful, if you recognize the song lyrics in the title (replace plant with door), you might tell your age!!!
I don't know about you, but one thing I truly dislike in a garden is visible hoses. I've tried all types of disguises and holders, but nothing. absolutely nothing, suited my taste.
I complained and complained to hubby (hoping for ideas/remedies), but the only response I got was, "Well, everyone knows that if you garden, you must have a hose." I usually came back with something like, "Well, everyone knows I need a shower after gardening, too, but I don't want a stall sitting in my living room".
Not only that, each time I used the hose, I had to be diligent to avoid pulling it over plants and/or dragging mulch all over the place.. .what a drudgery! One of the very few gardening drudgeries I might add.
Finally a solution . . .yesterday, I picked up an 18-gallon, green, Rubber-Maid container. I had hubby drill a hole in the side and toward the bottom of the container. Then I slipped the female connector of the hose through the hole and 'snaked'
it to my faucet. Then placed the remainder of the hose inside the container. I put a 50-foot hose in it - but it's obvious that a 100' would easily fit. Then I placed the lid on the tub to avoid getting rain water inside the container. A couple of plants that I'm 'babysitting' solves the problem of the wind blowing it off. . .then pulled another more mature plant to the front of the container . Now when I want to water, all I have to do is lift the lid - grab the hose and water where I want.
So far, this has worked great for me . . the hose goes in and out like a breeze. . .no dragging across mulch and/or plants. And unless some nosey someone (like Patsy) goes sniffing around, they'll always wonder how in the world I keep that bed watered so good!
But the BIG reward is that I don't have to look at hoses on a reel or worse yet, laying on the ground when I'm out just to admire my gardens. . .
Now you know what's behind the green plant!

So far, this has worked great for me . . the hose goes in and out like a breeze. . .no dragging across mulch and/or plants. And unless some nosey someone (like Patsy) goes sniffing around, they'll always wonder how in the world I keep that bed watered so good!
But the BIG reward is that I don't have to look at hoses on a reel or worse yet, laying on the ground when I'm out just to admire my gardens. . .
Now you know what's behind the green plant!
I do not recognize the song in the title! And what makes you think I would go sneaking around in your garden? I'm too nice to do something such as that :-)
I found the lyrics to "The Green Door." Yeahh. . .I guess you wouldn't remember it since it was in '56 . .but I sure enjoyed it! It was one of those funny, toe-tapping songs! Now I'll be singing it ALL day!
Yep - Give a chance, you WOULD go sneaking around my gardens, just trying to find something negative to bring to my attention!!!!
Lyrics to "The Green Door" follows!
Midnight, one more night without sleepin'
Watchin' till the mornin' comes creepin'
Green door, what's that secret you're keepin?
There's an old piano
And they play it hot behind the green door
Don't know what they're doin'
But they laugh a lot behind the green door
Wish they'd let me in
So I could find out what's behind the green door
Knocked once, tried to tell them I'd been there
Door slammed, hospitality's thin there
Wonder just what's goin' on in there
Saw an eyeball peepin'
Through a smoky cloud behind the green door
When I said "Joe sent me"
Someone laughed out loud behind the green door
All I want to do is join the happy crowd behind the green door
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