Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Fall Photos

 Yesterday I took a little stroll around the property with my camera. Below are some of my favorite shots.

Guess this is probably the "Last Rose of Summer"". This is the Knockout Rose. It's never been one of my favorites, but one of my readers had some questions for me and that got me interested. And as with so many other curiousities, I've gone over board with the Knockout - including graduating to the yellow Knockout.
Boy I wish I had the equipment and supplies to decorate this baby for Christmas!

 This tree holds a lot of memories for me - and hopefully my two youngest chldren! We planted this Dogwood about 25 years ago. They were about 8 and 10 years old. It was February, cold, rainy, etc. I removed it from the woods while they were in school. When they came home we got it planted. They weren't really enthused, but it was a great 'memory maker'.

This Hickory shades the camping trailer of a friend who is also a dedicated deer hunter.

On my stroll, I saw this neat little Magnolia sapling. One of my favorite sisters is gonna take it to North Carolina next year and give it a permanent home.

Ahem - this is the prettiest site I saw on my stroll.

Same site - ddifferent angle.
 Just shooting the trees!

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