Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Scoop for Soil

Several years ago, when Miss Patsy and another sister were visiting, Patsy brought me this neat little tool! It's one of the finest, most usable, and most indestructible tool I've ever owned! But, this past spring when I began changing the soil in my potted plants, it was not where it was supposed to be! Not only was it not where it was supposed to be, it was NO WHERE to be found. I looked every place I could possibly imagine and finally gave up figured the Poltergeist had taken it!

Then last week I was cutting some scrub brush out back and saw sun reflecting off metal. hmmmmmmmmmm . .wonder what that could be? I gently sneaked over and carefully flipped it out of the leaves with my toe . .WOW! The Poltergeist hadn't taken it! He had only moved it!

Keep in mind that I had lived in fear all summer that Patsy would ask me if I was still enjoying my soil scoop . .  .. and those of you who know Patsy know that you don't ever want to give her a negative answer! Luckily she never asked me!

When I lifted it out of the leaves that covered all but a small portion of the metal, I almost cried. The handle (ergonomically correct and rubber) was totally black!!! My first thought was that the Poltergiest had let it get in a fire. But on close examination, it was revealed that the handle was only mildewed! Mildew???!!!

 How am I gonna handle that? I knew that bleach would kill the mildew, but I was afraid it would disintegrate the rubber in the process! Then I remembered a chemical I had bought from the hardware store to clean the mildew off my back steps. Since I have some very special hydrangeas beside the back steps, I made the salesclerk write in blood that the chemical wouldn't hurt the hydrangeas (he was right).

Anyway, I got the chemical out - poured some in a tall glass and stuck the handle down into it. It took many soakings and scrubbings but I finally got it as clean as I think it will ever be - and it's definitely usable!!

The blade is stainless steel (no rust) and it's serrated so the soil scoops up quickly and easily! As you can see, there's not a bit of rust on the blade after at least a year in the woods. The point where the handle attaches to the scoop is still firm and secure. This scoop is absolutely a must for getting soil from the bag to the pot.

This particular one was built by "My Garden Works" in Belleville, WA. They were so sure it would serve gardeners good and they would come back for more for their other gardening friends, they had their design patented (5765648).

Maybe Patsy will tell us where she bought hers . .If not, I found a web site that distributes them should you want one. Happy Scooping!



Anonymous said...

I bought mine several years ago in the gift shop at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. One of those purchases that you think will be a waste of $20 but I wanted something from the gift shop. Needless to say, I fell in love with this scoop the minute I used it. I immediately bought myself another as a back-up in case I left mine in the woods. Then I went to buy more for family and friends but the Botanical Garden no longer sold them. But I found them rather easily on Amazon.

Norma said...

LOL!! Yes, I would have scolded you for buying something like this at the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, but I AM amazed that the price there was the same as the price off the web! I felt sure all those 'shops' had their prices inflated around 400%! But, I have certainly enjoyed and appreciated mine! Thanks