Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Annual Vinca

I guess you've noticed that I don't post a lot on annuals. That's because I don't use very many annuals.

But any good gardener does need some for fillers here and there. Therefore, over the next few days I'll share my thoughts/feelings on some of my favorites.

The annual vinca is probably my MOST favorite. It's the most reliable annual I've dealt with. It is not at all particular about soil or moisture. Its only demand is FULL sun.

I bought a package of the seed about twelve years ago and haven't been without the vinca yet. It reseeds very, very good and as soon as spring arrives it starts sprouting.
I move the little plants to wherever I happen to need them for that particular year. It grows in Zones 2 through 11. It grows anywhere from 6 to 16" high and about 12 inches wide. It branches profusely and the plants is almost always covered with these pink blooms. It's one of the few annuals that branches without pinching and it blooms continuously without deadheading. No disease and no insects bothers this plant and the deer doesn't like it! Who could ask for more?

Its colors range from snow white to deep purples and even red. I stay with the pink because I'm afraid the colors will get mixed. And since you can't determine the color until it blooms, I don't want to get them mixed up and have an "unwanted color combo" going on!

This photo is of an individual plant.

I've used it as a filler, a border, and as a container plant. It makes a gorgeous show however you choose to use it.

Then when frost hits it . .all you do is pull it out of the ground and wait for next year's sprouting!

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