Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Vitex agnus-castus, aka Chaste Tree

The Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste) tree should actually be called the  "Magic" tree! Because it's touted to reduce libido in males, the black berry produced on this tree has been used by monks for eons to maintain celibacy!   Now, now ladies - don't go grinding these berries and slipping it in hubby's coffee!

Conversely, the Vitex agnus-castus berry is also used to increase fertility in females, regulate menstrual flow, increase milk flow in lactating mothers, and relieve PMS symptoms. It supposedly combats acne and other skin problems. Also, our ancestors used it widely in producing baskets, chair bottoms or anything that required strong, pliable branches.  A handy little tree to have in your yard, wouldn't you say?

Since I don't need it for any of the above, I just grow it for it's beauty as an ornamental tree in our gardens.The Chaste Tree is very reliable in this area. It's drought tolerant and doesn't require a lot of attention. In many areas you'll see a copse of these trees in the landscapes  . .and believe me, it makes a beautiful display! I've tried unsuccessfully to root some of the cuttings.

I fertilize mine with a balanced fertilizer (usually 10-10-10) when new growth begins to show in the spring. Again when it begins to set bloom and a final feeding as the seeds begin to form.

Even though this tree usually blooms only once a year, I have found that if I'll snip the first flush of blooms off (deadhead), it will bloom a second time.

There are NO pests bothering this tree and no diseases - man, it's great to just feed, water and enjoy!

 Bees and butterflies dearly love it. It is said that bees love this tree so much they will actually sleep in it.

In fact, yesterday a friend was visiting and when we walked past the tree we must have disturbed 20,000 bees! Scared the fool out of him . . but I knew that they only wanted the nectar from the tree - NOT us!!! I got a big chuckle.

I haven't seen many butterflies so far this year. But I'm sure they'll come. As a rule, they literally cover this tree!

Quite frequently the Chaste Tree is confused with the Buddleia (butterfly bush), and when you look at the blooms above, you'll understtand why.  But they are two different trees entirely.


Anonymous said...

Send some berries my way. The coffee pot is ready.

Norma said...

You're baaaaaaaad!!!!