Welcome to My Little Corner of the World

Family, friends, and acquaintances are now free to stroll my gardens at their leisure. So grab a glass of sweet tea and sit a spell.

Questions, comments, and suggestions are appreciated and welcomed as you stroll through the gardens. Sure hope you enjoy your visit as much as I enjoy your company.

Monday, May 17, 2010


Love your Hosta and your squirrels? But your squirrels love eating your Hosta?

You can have both! Simply sprinkle ground Cayenne pepper on the soil around your Hosta. Squirrels hate the pepper and it will not hurt your plants.Your pets will stay out of your Hosta bed as well.

The only drawback is that you have to re-sprinkle after irrigating or a rain.

I purchase Tone's Cayenne Pepper in the 16 ounce container from Sam's and keep it in my gardening wagon.

This works well for potted plants that you want to keep your pets out of as well. Believe me it won't hurt the pets - they won't ingest it - but will begin to back up when they smell it - and they'll soon learn to stay away.


Unknown said...

I've heard of that before. I've had deer eat my hosta, but haven't seen a squirrel eating yet...but they probably have and I blamed it on the deer. Last year I put three of those $1.00 whirlygigs around the hosta and they didn't eat. Maybe they just weren't hungry for hosta???!!!

Norma said...

I would have been reluctant to say it was squirrel eating mine if I had not seen them out there just nibbling their little hearts out!

Maybe the movement of the whirlygigs or possibly the color of them scared your wildlife away?

At least they stayed away and that's the MAIN thing!